Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 2, 2017

How our Prestashop search module works - Do you know?

A Prestashop store with the default basic search feature is going nowhere in the current competitive business world. To get more from your business, you have to give more to the customer. Making your online store more user-friendly is the best way to attract and retain the visitors to your site. Our Prestashop advanced search module is a perfect solution to increase the user appeal for your store by several folds.
Our Prestashop search module's features:
    • Ajax search
    • Instant search
    • Search products by choosing a category
    • Choose category depth level
    • Custom category level separator
    • Display category dropdown or not (can be removed)
    • Display product thumbnail image in search (can be removed)
    • HTML/CSS validated
 This Prestashop search module is a unique module that offers you a great search facility for your store. As it can be used with any Prestashop website after a single click installation you are guaranteed to have no hassle during the installation and also the usage. Don’t hesitate to purchase the module and offer the best for your loyal customers.

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